Aging: The Master Teacher
Spiritual "Failure to Thrive"
Apr 09 2018
Our spiritual needs emerge developmentally innervated with our physical and psychological needs. Our spiritual needs are felt as "Yearnings of the Soul" that require our advancing attention lest we lapse into a "spiritual failure to thrive". Failure to thrive is the name given to the condition of an infant who doesn't adequately physically grow because she/he doesn't receive sufficient human touch, warmth, and affectionate attention, even though she or he receives quite adequate food and hydration. I think we can use the same concept of failure to thrive to describe a maturing adult who either neglects, or in some way...
What is Spiritual Agelessness - Part Two
Sep 29 2017
In my last blog I define spiritual agelessness as a faith formed state of mind, heart, and soul that renders the individual free from the more common psychological constraints of physical aging. After deeper contemplation, I'd like to expand on this definition by adding this: The primary driver of spiritual agelessness is the individual's deepening reliance on God, their advancing journey with Jesus, and their dependence on the mystery of the work of the Holy Spirit. Here are seven more descriptors of a person who has adopted a philosophy of life best described as spiritual agelessness: 9. Leans on God-Reliance...
What is Spiritual Agelessness? Part 1
Sep 21 2017
So many people have asked me to define what I mean by spiritual agelessness that I decided to give it a try. Spiritual agelessness is a faith formed state of mind, heart, and soul that renders the individual free from the more common psychological constraints of physical aging. Here are eight descriptors of persons, who I believe have adopted spiritual agelessness as their primary philosophy of life in their later seasons of maturation. A spiritually ageless person: 1. Believes that the notion of age is irrelevant as a primary definer of self- identity. 2. Has developed a positive spiritual strengths-based...
Resilience and Agelessness - Part Two
Sep 13 2017
We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance. James 5:3 Resilience allows us to reign-in our feelings. Resilience balances fear with current good, moderates anger with patience, and calms grief with gratitude. Negative emotions like anger, fear and anxiety are very functional, they help us survive; but positive emotions such as delight, wonder and compassion help us thrive. Painful emotions deplete our energy, while positive emotions renew our energy. For example anger can defend our dignity, but left unattended it can also mushroom into resentment. Fear is a wonderful early warning system, but if overused...
Resilience and Agelessness
Sep 05 2017
While the process of aging is certainly not a disease, it is a process of diminishment that occurs over time. One of the virtues central to our response to these diminishments is resilience. James and Evelyn Whitehead have written an intriguing book entitled The Virtue of Resilience: the bones of this blog are taken from this book which I highly recommend to you. The American Psychological Association says resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, and or threats. It means bouncing back from difficult experiences. Other descriptions of resilience include: the capacity to...
Aug 01 2017
An ageless relationship is one that helps define and support the real you, your authentic self, the innermost genuineness at the core of your personality... all ingredients of your innate agelessness. There are three types of ageless relationships.1. Your relationship with that person or persons who truly knows and loves you. Communication with others you love is called deep sharing. 2. Your relationship with yourself. Communication with yourself is called introspection or self-talk.3. Your relationship with God. Communication with God is called prayer.The language you use in all three of these relationships determines the quality and depth of the communication....